It was a big year on the bike. I set some goals for myself at the start of the year and this blog entry will be a review of those goals. I know it's a bit piss-weak to not put your goals 'out there' at the start of the year, but hey, it is what it is. So here we go:
Goal 1 - get a start in the Queensland Road Teams Series (QRTS) and then have a strong performance.
A two part goal. Team TLD were kind enough to offer me a start (which was great). Did I have a strong performance? Relatively, I guess I did. Some things went well and some things didn't, but overall I am satisfied with how I rode in the series.
Goal 2 - be racing in Elite A at some point during the year.
This one happened early and unexpectedly when the state handicapper put me up after the Battle of the Border race in May. This was great, but set me up for some hard racing during the year.
Goal 3 - (if goal 2 comes off) have a strong performance in the Elite A Cunningham Classic.
I say 'yes' based on my 10th place. I still love this race and reckon there is a better finish in these nearly old legs.
Goal 4 - win medals in the Queensland Championships Individual Time Trial and Road Race in my Masters division (MMAS 3, 40 - 44 years).
Nope. I got sick late in the year and this goal was a casualty. I did the Individual Time Trial and came 5th while in really bad shape. I decided not to do the road race the next day as a result of how poor and shitty I felt. This was very frustrating for me as I had done a lot of work on my time trial and well and truly have a better result than this in me.
Goal 5 - have a strong performance in the Australian Championships Individual Time Trial and Road Race in my Masters division (MMAS 3, 40 - 44 years).
See goal 4 (above). I didn't go to the Australian Championships. My season ended prematurely.
Goal 6 - stay motivated, fit and healthy.
Yes, yes and no. I am still loving what I am doing. My fitness levels and power continued to climb this year (with more to go yet). My health failed me at the end but staying well will be a priority for 2014. Having my coach move from being someone who 'gave me general advice' to being someone who is 'developing and monitoring my program' should help out in that regard.