When I was 26, I would jokingly refer to my bike as the CWM (Cross Wind Missile). I'm not 26 anymore...

About Me

My name is Dean Russell and I raced road bikes and some track endurance in the 1990s. I stopped racing in 1999 when I was 26. After almost thirteen years of being a lazy slug I decided to put my sorry backside onto a bike seat and have another crack at racing. This blog chronicles my journey from being completely unfit and overweight to becoming one of the oldest Elite A grade riders in Queensland...and then slipping nicely back into Masters racing.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

No Blogging?

This has been an especially lean spell of blogging for me. Typing has been tough with my two recent shoulder surgeries and I have been a little busy getting into the world of coaching. More content to come soon...

DRP Coaching

For a long time, I have been considering becoming a cycling coach. I have finally decided to do it. I have already completed some formal qualifications in cycling coaching and am scheduled to do more. I am looking forward to combining this new knowledge with my background and experience in cycling, to become a successful coach. Please take the time to check out the new Dean Russell Performance Coaching blog site: http://drpcoaching.blogspot.com.au