When I was 26, I would jokingly refer to my bike as the CWM (Cross Wind Missile). I'm not 26 anymore...

About Me

My name is Dean Russell and I raced road bikes and some track endurance in the 1990s. I stopped racing in 1999 when I was 26. After almost thirteen years of being a lazy slug I decided to put my sorry backside onto a bike seat and have another crack at racing. This blog chronicles my journey from being completely unfit and overweight to becoming one of the oldest Elite A grade riders in Queensland...and then slipping nicely back into Masters racing.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

The year that was; 2013 in Review

It was a big year on the bike. I set some goals for myself at the start of the year and this blog entry will be a review of those goals. I know it's a bit piss-weak to not put your goals 'out there' at the start of the year, but hey, it is what it is. So here we go:

Goal 1 - get a start in the Queensland Road Teams Series (QRTS) and then have a strong performance.

A two part goal. Team TLD were kind enough to offer me a start (which was great). Did I have a strong performance? Relatively, I guess I did. Some things went well and some things didn't, but overall I am satisfied with how I rode in the series. 

Goal 2 - be racing in Elite A at some point during the year.

This one happened early and unexpectedly when the state handicapper put me up after the Battle of the Border race in May. This was great, but set me up for some hard racing during the year.

Goal 3 - (if goal 2 comes off) have a strong performance in the Elite A Cunningham Classic.

I say 'yes' based on my 10th place. I still love this race and reckon there is a better finish in these nearly old legs.

Goal 4 - win medals in the Queensland Championships Individual Time Trial and Road Race in my Masters division (MMAS 3, 40 - 44 years).

Nope. I got sick late in the year and this goal was a casualty. I did the Individual Time Trial and came 5th while in really bad shape. I decided not to do the road race the next day as a result of how poor and shitty I felt. This was very frustrating for me as I had done a lot of work on my time trial and well and truly have a better result than this in me.

Goal 5 - have a strong performance in the Australian Championships Individual Time Trial and Road Race in my Masters division (MMAS 3, 40 - 44 years).

See goal 4 (above). I didn't go to the Australian Championships. My season ended prematurely. 

Goal 6 - stay motivated, fit and healthy.

Yes, yes and no. I am still loving what I am doing. My fitness levels and power continued to climb this year (with more to go yet). My health failed me at the end but staying well will be a priority for 2014. Having my coach move from being someone who 'gave me general advice' to being someone who is 'developing and monitoring my program' should help out in that regard.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

It's been a while...

This has been one of the longest blog-breaks I have had. Good reason for that; not an awful lot has been happening in my cycling world. Having said that, this is the latest:

I have not been doing much. Probably averaging about 350km a week and basically just wearing out tyres. The Dalby bunch rides have been pretty much the full extent of my program at the moment. I did have a good catch up with my coach this week though. We have sorted out my base phase which I will start after Christmas. I must admit I'm looking forward to getting a bit of structure back into things.

New Bike
Yes, yes, I do own a Cervelo S5 now. Yes it looks awesome. Yes it is fast. Yes I love it.

Bravehearts Time Trial
I managed to raise $2,088 for Bravehearts, which I am very happy about. In the actual time trial I punctured with 37km of the 43km done. This was disappointing as I was looking for a good time to thank all of the people who sponsored me. Such is life!

Combined Club Twilight Criterium Series
This was a five race series that was reduced to three, due to bad weather. As it was, I only made it once (very busy at work) on November 20. This is what happened. Jarred Graves, Darren Rolfe, Trent West and me, kinda 'blew' off the front. Not really sure how it happened. We just went REALLY fast for a bit and all of a sudden the four of us had nearly thirty seconds on what was left of the bunch. Then we went a bit faster, and  then a bit faster. My brain said to my legs 'you two need to do some training' and out the back I went. I was in no man's land for a bit (in fourth) but got swept up with about two laps to go. I finished seventh. This was actually the first time I had finished worse than third in a club race all year. Not too worried though (November is well and truly the 'wrong' month for me). 

Dalby Triathlon
This is always a fun event as it is well supported by the community. There are two events on the day; a business house challenge and a sprint distance triathlon. I did both in a Dalby State High School team. We went really well and won them both. I also snagged fastest cycle leg by a local (and overall). A good fun day out and just quietly a nice little wad of cash as well.

Tim Ashton from South Brisbane is an Arse-Hat
I was trying to sell a pair of wheels on the Facebook Bicycle Market page for $320. This is what happened:
  • Arse-Hat messages me and says he is interested. He asks how much for postage.
  • I pack the wheels up and stand in line at the post office to get the quote of $14 (this took me about 45 minutes).
  • I message Arse-Hat and tell him it will be $14.
  • Arse-Hat asks if I will take $300 for them with postage included.
  • I decline but say I will take the original $320 with the postage included.
  • Arse-Hat agrees. 
  • Arse-Hat then asks if I can send them COD.
  • I ask how much as I have never done that before.
  • Arse-Hat says it will be about $8.
  • I go back to the post office again and discover it is actually almost $28 to send the wheels COD (this took me about 20 minutes). 
  • I message Arse-Hat and tell him this. I don't feel like I should have to pay the $28 and offer to split it with him, just to get the sale completed.
  • Arse-Hat says 'no thanks I didn't want the wheels anyway'.
So now I have this set of wheels completely packed up ready to go, with Arse-Hat's name and address on them, sitting in my office.

I did call him out on the Facebook Bicycle Market page to warn others. Funnily enough I had  a few people contact me (including some people from bike shops) to say that the guy was a complete tosser and very dodgy. 

Tim Ashton, from South Brisbane, you are a complete Arse-Hat!