When I was 26, I would jokingly refer to my bike as the CWM (Cross Wind Missile). I'm not 26 anymore...

About Me

My name is Dean Russell and I raced road bikes and some track endurance in the 1990s. I stopped racing in 1999 when I was 26. After almost thirteen years of being a lazy slug I decided to put my sorry backside onto a bike seat and have another crack at racing. This blog chronicles my journey from being completely unfit and overweight to becoming one of the oldest Elite A grade riders in Queensland...and then slipping nicely back into Masters racing.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Race Report: Queensland Road Team Series (QRTS) - Round 4 (South Burnett)

This was a tough weekend, but overall I am pretty happy with how I coped with the difficult courses and high pace. I even managed to sneak a handful of points for the team.

Stage 1: 112km Road Race 
This was actually a bit shorther than expected at 105km. Solid course with a draggy little climb right before the finish line. It broke up a little in the cross winds but I managed to position myself out of trouble. I finished 39th and was a bit surprised at that as I didn't realise I was so far forward at the finish. 

Stage 2: 144km Road Race
I felt better today than I did on Saturday. I was very active in the first lap and tried to go with quite a few breaks off the front, but regrettably none of them stuck. It was a very tough course with a fair bit of wind and a lot of climbing. Things exploded at the end of the second lap and I ended up in a group that was running about 24th - 50th. We were pulled from the course with one lap to go and I did okay in the sprint to snag a few points for the team by coming 30th. I climbed well today and am overall very pleased with how I went. Looking at this photo though, you can see I did it tough a few times:

That's the end of the QRTS for me this year. I'm not available for the final criterium in Brisbane. I've really enjoyed the opportunity given to me by Team TLD to guest ride with them. A great experience, plenty of hard work but a lot of fun.